Black cat rescue - Brand Identity

My passion project and submission into my Grad Show.

Black Cat Rescue holds a special place in my heart and my portfolio as it was born out of love, social justice and personal experience.

I used to foster kittens and I noticed that black kittens were significantly overlooked for a very particular, niche reasoning. They didn’t photograph well.
When I adopted my first pet - a black kitten - she was free because no-one had wanted her for the weeks she was advertised. It struck a chord and I could finally do something about it by utilising my skills. Over the years, I’d built a community of black cat lovers simply by showing people how to love their black cats.

Black Cat Rescue as a concept was born in my final year at university and I put in real work to make it a real living entity within my immediate community.

My goal was to create an awareness which I succeeded in doing - during the first few weeks, I’d amassed near 500 followers, over 1000 within the month - with rescues contacting me to help their kittens and to help with photographing them. I still get requests now, 3 years later.

My goal is to someday see Black Cat Rescue become a real organisation/rescue that helps facilitate and hold adoption drives like a Valentine’s Day speed dating event but with kittens! (I even created Tinder cards!)

Who knows, maybe even a “Black Dog Rescue” could be on the cards?